Monday, May 18, 2009

I just got paid and I gotta little money to burn...

Ummmmm….. what’s wrong with this picture?

“President Barack Obama, calling current deficit spending “unsustainable,” warned of skyrocketing interest rates for consumers if the U.S. continues to finance government by borrowing from other countries.”


“Earlier this week, the Obama administration revised its own budget estimates and raised the projected deficit for this year to a record $1.84 trillion, up 5 percent from the February estimate. The revision for the 2010 fiscal year estimated the deficit at $1.26 trillion, up 7.4 percent from the February figure. The White House Office of Management and Budget also projected next year’s budget will end up at $3.59 trillion, compared with the $3.55 trillion it estimated previously.”

So the question becomes what was last year’s budget?

$2.9 trillion

And estimated receipts for fiscal year 2008 were $2.66 trillion, for a deficit of $ 240 billion (which by the way the controlling party in Washington said was a death spiral of debt and a result of “out of control spending” by the republicans)

Question… If that’s true, then what is $1.84 trillion?
Answer… A quadruple by-pass on a dead and bloated body that’s washed ashore. Performed without surgical tools. By a high school dropout.

Mr. President…. DUH!!!

Oh, and what happens when we take on universal health care? Oh I know we’ll fund that by raising taxes on soda!

Read it for yourself.
Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load “Unsustainable”