Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sometimes, I even surprise myself.

One of my favorite passages of scripture is in Mosiah. Chapter 2 verse 17. All of you master scriptorians out there should know what this passage says. Those who don't, pay attention:

And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

It's a very simple passage that if followed would do more to solve the world problems than anything, and I do mean anything, any government could do. And the funny thing is, as an American under a government "...of the people", why would I ever look to the government to do anything for me in the first place. But I digress.

This past week I had an amazing experience that had a very profound effect on me. It both inspired me to be better and humbled me to the simple joys that come from service. I saw a two year old child's face light up with excitement, at something I take for granted everyday. I saw a mother break down in tears because a few "basics" were provided for her family. And I saw a father do one of the hardest things that a man can ever do, and that is to sacrifice his pride, and accept help that would provide for his family what he could not at that time.

Now, I ask you, Who can do more to stimulate this Great Nation of ours? The President? Congress? Exxon? GE? Al Gore? Labor Unions? the NRA? No.

None of them can. They're not supposed to. Our Government has very little, in all actuality, to do. Protect us from foreign control, protect our God given rights, and to make sure that no one, not even the Government, get in the way of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It was a funny thing that happened this week. The only thing that limited my experience was that I didn't have any more to give. If I had any credit, I would've used it too, but I didn't. My wife and I make a pretty good living. We have been blessed. I sometimes think that we've been blessed more that we deserve. But It paled in comparison to the inner peace I found in serving my friends. I wonder if congress felt any peace in spending over a trillion dollars the past 8 months. Somehow I doubt it. I think that the difference is, is that this nation was set up to protect our freedom to succeed, no matter how we may define it. It definitely wasn't set up to provide for us everything we need. Health care is not a God given right. Owning a home is not a God given right. Those things are the result of a pursuit of a happiness.

I guess the bottom line is If we really want to stimulate this county and we really want change, then we need to start where it counts. At home. It's a "two-for" Not only do you help someone out but you help yourself too.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Who is this guy?

I guess it's time for me to lay down a little bit of who I am. You are looking at a C average student with completely out of control ideals for himself. The result is an often self disappointing, hefty dough boy that is sooooo sweet, his blood could be used on pancakes. mmmmm pancakes.

I have a taste for the irreverent and a profound respect for the sacred. How that gets balanced, I have no idea. Maybe it doesn't. Depending on who you talk to, I can cross boundaries of decency easier than crossing the US/Mexico border or be the one to call others to order when chaos abounds. It may just be that I'm schizophrenic. Nah, I don't think we are.

The single greatest purpose for this blog is to create an forum where ideas can be developed, expressed, defended and blown apart. I welcome any and all criticism, support, smart remarks or general ramblings that can be conceived. I crave sarcasm and detest ignorance.

So the challenge goes out to all... bring it! I make no apologies for my thoughts. As I said before, I will defend them until I can't. And When I can't, I'll reflect and change them until I can defend them. This ain't your average blog, you'll probably hate it for a while but don't worry, that will grow into a soft dull depression until you are forever doomed to blissfully glossy-eyed stares often found on your average tree hugger after an Obama speech.

What line?

Friday, January 23, 2009

You never get a second chance...

So the saying goes. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Mr. Obama, within 48 hours of being sworn in, signed two executive orders that do more for the rights of terrorists than to protect the very citizens that elected him to office.

"What's this" you say? "Hogwash! You must be exaggerating."

So how then do we explain delaying a trial for a known terrorist, or closing down a detention center currently housing terrorists caught on the field of battle. (By the way, are we still at war?)

Here's where I get to play the game "If it were me".

My solution, Rotate out the knuckleheads who cant tell the difference between humiliation and guard duty. Since I do not want even 1 of these scumbags that want my country to fail, stepping one foot on genuine American soil, I keep their asses locked up. And for all of the people that think that terrorists who use pregnant woman and the mentally handicapped as suicide bombers deserve civil liberties I have a sandal I'd like to introduce to your head. They're terrorists! there is nothing civil about them.

But I digress. I make no apologies for my distaste of people that want to force me to live a certain way or they'll kill me.

The real problem is that our newly elected President thinks that his first tasks, after hiring lobbyists to work in the division they lobbied for, is to be the personal savior of idiots that think God will grant them 72 virgins because they killed themselves and a bunch of other people in the process.

And just one other side note, to anyone who thinks that I'm just another "Right Wing Nut Job" that hates all things until I can shoot it with a gun, let me just say our last president was a dolt too. Really president Bush? Socialism is how we have to save Capitalism? Knucklehead. I'm glad to see that you got to take part in my solution, "rotate".

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I often wonder...

Are we as Americans so infected with our own self loathing that we can't see past the ever-present need to instantly gratify our personal desires without the thought of what may happen as a result?

The way society seems to be going, I think that I have to answer yes. It's like we're children who don't want to listen to our elders when they tell us that the stove is hot, but we think that we are being smothered buy rules we didn't get to choose and must touch the burner on our own because then we'll know for sure that it was hot.

1. We were warned by those who have gone before.
2. We think that what we were told can't possibly relate to our current situation.
3. We get burned.

Take these "bailouts" (or as the PC Police might say "Potential Community Re-Investments") for example. These huge global companies, either through poor management, governmental oversight, and even forced negotiations with Big Labor, find that they are "too big to fail" businesses that are on the brink of doing just that, failing.

1. Fannie-Mae and Freddie-Mac made bad loans. People who have no business getting loans accepted them. Hundreds of millions and tens of billions of dollars were lost.
2. Government solution... Give them more money.

Really?!? How about we treat alcoholics with more alcohol. Or, oh I know, lets get convicted child molesters free kiddie porn.

We completely ignore sound financial principles because we don't think that our specific situation could ever be corrected by tried and true practices of the past. We won't use "red ink" in schools because we don't want to hurt someones feelings. We have trophies for everybody that competes because "there are no losers".

Well, America is losing. Companies that got bailed out are failing again and they stand poised to get even more. The bottom line is that this country is headed down a very dark and dangerous path and I am scared. But I do have faith. I believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The solutions are not easy, and I don't claim to have them all. But I think that together we can uncover principles that when followed will prepare us for the storm that is coming. Stay tuned, please comment, we all know that there are problems. Lets work together to test the solutions and I'm willing to bet that we can come up with some good ones.