Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sometimes it's the premise that matters.

Lets start off today with a question, shall we? Oooo, that was fun! But that wasn't really a question, was it? I mean at it's core. It was more of a statement that required a mutual understanding before progressing to the main topic, right? There's another one. I could do this all day. But then I might start sounding like those A** Holes in DC, and we don't want that, do we? So let's stop focusing on the grammer of the past, or those little "speed bumps" in the nuances of the English language, and move onto a hopeity hope hope of changeity change, shall we?

I have a topic today that is a real hot spot of contension between the two major parties. And I want to make a point on it that will either completely alienate me from all of my friends, well at least the 8 poor souls who think my drivel is even worth reading, or... well yeah. Let's see what happens.

Gay Marraige. ( I can just imagine 16 eyeballs going wide, then to a squint and a turn of the head to look away, but not quite, as they anticipate the train wreck this is about to become)

The argument on the left is mostly (as I see it) along the lines of, and I know this is a huge generalization, "who are we to say that what goes on between two conscenting adults is anyones business and gays should be able to get married if they want to".

The argument on the right, again, as I see it and this is an oversimplification, "Marriage is between a man and a woman. Who are you to force a policy on me that I reject".

Now for an exercise. Try your very best to remove any hint of bias in this and please for the love of all you hold sacred a dear, try to remove yourself from either side of this topic. Forget all feeling one way or another. Pretend you have never even heard of this issue before.

Okay. There is a question I want you to answer. Remember, no pre-conceived notions what-so-ever.... Should the government tell me what is or is not a permitted relationship? You see, I think that we have been devided as a people. I've heard arguments from the left and the right that somwhere, they all say something to the effect of "it's none of my business but..."

Well fine, if it's none of our business, then why is it the government's business? Seriously!?! If I can't tell you whom you can marry, then where does the government get that power? But Jon, it's for the greater good of the society. Piss off with your socialism. The greater good argument is only good for individual decisions. Advancing it further to a societal level only leads to power stuggles and slavery.

Long story short, (too late) we shouldn't even be arguing about gay rights vs. strait rights. We should be united in agreeing thast the government shouldn't be involved in the first place.

Well, at least in my opinion. And will someone please help me point that fan over there in another direction. The crap smell is really stong.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting premise. In the United States, it is the people that choose the government, at least to a certain extant. It is one of the few places on earth where the government and the laws can be changed by a majority voice of the people. The people in the great state of New York have chosen to change the law of the land and now "gay marriage" is legal. The Governor of New York, on signing the new bill into law, said (almost a direct quote based on my memory): "This is how democracy works." My immediate thought? A scripture from the Book of Mormon, Mosiah 29:27, "And if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you..."


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