Friday, February 6, 2009

A Renewal of Standards

This next post comes from a report that radio personality and Foxnews host Glenn Beck made this week. He came up with a list of Nine principles as a way of finding out what unites us as Americans. I want to expand this to say that these ideas are more that just principles. They are a rallying point. For decades, we have been devided by political parties while they keep us fighting amongst ourselves they put policies in place that limit our ability to keep them in check. It's time for us to help those in Washington to remember that it's "We the People", not they the politicians. So if you can agree with at least 7 of these 9, then send a picture of yourself to the email address at the bottom of the post and then catch Glenn on Fox News at 5:00pm EST for the next few weeks and he will show us that we are not alone. That you are not the only one that feels frutrated. I started this blog as a way to both vent and to hopefully start a dialog to get us talking about what really matters. Mostly I've been venting so here is something I think that we can discuss and use as a springboard for ideas to bring about the greatest success this country has ever seen. So here it is, Glenn's request.

There is a lot of bad news out there. Our economy is tanking and does not show signs of improving. People are losing their jobs 500 million a month according to Nancy Pelosi and there are more cuts on the way.

People around the world are taking to the streets. Our government responds to the problem with "bailouts." When you reach out to them you get no response while Ponzi scheme crooks get away with Billions and tax cheats get promotions.

Terrorists are on the run, and you just want to keep your family safe.

It is enough to make you want to just give up!

But I am here to tell you something important: You are not alone, and if you believe in a majority of these nine principles then keep watching because I am going to prove it to you to.

1. America is a good place, not perfect, but good.

2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.

3. I must try to be a better, more honest person than I was yesterday.

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority of it under God.

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness but that is not a guarantee of equal results.

7. I work hard for what I have. I will share it with who I want to, When I want to, If I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree or share my personal opinion.

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them. They answer to me.

If you believe in these things, then I have a project for you. Believe me, this will be worth your while. I want you to take a picture of yourself — keep your clothes on, please — and e-mail it to I am going to ask you every day for the next two or three weeks.

Please, if you agree with these principles then help fight for them.

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